Territorialization As An Instrument For Expanding The Look Into The Territory: Experience Report

Autor: Manuela Martins da Silva, Maria Gisele Cavalcanti de Oliveira, Maria Soraida Silva Cruz, Aline Maria Gomes dos Santos
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: American Journal of Clinical Research and Reviews. :20
ISSN: 2576-0505
DOI: 10.28933/ajcrr-2021-06-2005
Popis: Objective: To describe the experience of undergraduate students in the process of territorialization of some micro areas in Recife. Methods: Work based on academic practices of the discipline Occupational Therapy in Public Health – UFPE, in the 2nd semester of 2019, where students follow the professional performance in Primary Care. Among the activities carried out by the Extended Nucleus of Family Health and Primary Care, where the occupational therapist is inserted, there is the territorialization that, in this experience, took place in two meetings, specifically in some micro areas of the Health District VIII. Results: During the walk in the territory, the Community Health Agents presented the history of the community and reported that the community initially had a very industrialized profile. Subsequently, families began to establish themselves and take ownership of the place where they live until today, with several establishments such as schools, community spaces, squares, etc. that strengthen their identity The morbidities that most affect the elderly, young and male population are, respectively, chronic diseases, Sexually Transmitted Infections and infectious diseases. Territorialization is important in the process of planning interdisciplinary interventions and through it, the biopsychosocial dimensions are recognized and bring necessary discussions for all levels of care (COUTINHO, 2017). Conclusion: After the experience of Territorialization, it was possible to understand part of the complexity that is the territory, as well as to identify the main demands of the visited micro areas. Together with the NASF team, the occupational therapist can facilitate health education activities not only with the population itself, but also with professionals from the Family Health Unit.
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