Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Argument Resolution, Unity, and Love in Same-Sex-Headed Families

Autor: Linda M. Oravecz, Cynthia M. Vejar, Diane M. Harnek Hall
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of GLBT Family Studies. 7:332-348
ISSN: 1550-4298
DOI: 10.1080/1550428x.2011.592964
Popis: This study examines perceptions of same-sex-headed households held by undergraduate students. Participants (N = 165) responded to surveys after reading one of two possible vignettes. Half of the students read a vignette that included gay grandparents as part of a family, while the remaining students read a similar vignette that did not broach the matter of sexual orientation. Themes that emerged from qualitative analysis include resolution of arguments, anger, and sexual orientation as sources of family conflict. Further analyses reveal that family unity was rated significantly lower by the group who read the scenario involving gay grandparents. No significant differences between groups were found for the following variables: likelihood of argument resolution, relationship commitment, passion, or intimacy. Implications for how these findings may be applied to the field of human service and education as well as considerations for future research are discussed.
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