Erratum to: On the gluing formula for the analytic torsion

Autor: Xiaonan Ma, Jochen Brüning
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Mathematische Zeitschrift. 278:615-616
ISSN: 1432-1823
Popis: In this note, we want to correct a mistake in the proof of [1, Theorem 2.2] which does not affect the statement of the theorem, though. In [1, (2.7)], we incorrectly state an isomorphism of complexes, thus we need to modify the corresponding argument, by first replacing the last six lines on p. 1098, beginning with “we also have · · · ”, with the following text. “We also have a Z2-equivariant short exact sequence of complexes 0 → C•(W u/W u Y1 , F)⊗ C− γ −→ C•( W u, F) γ −→ C•(W u, F)⊗ C+ → 0, (2.7)
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