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The study was conducted at Gechi in-situ forest conservation site to investigate woody plant species diversity. To collect the inventory data, a systematic and predetermined sampling system was followed. The main objectives of the study was to undergo inventory of the indigenous woody species, assessing the regeneration status, to determine the floristic composition and set the priority list of woody plant species for the vegetation of the area. Study was conducted during in January 2019. Gechi in-situ conservation site land feature was valley the transect line was laid along the valley ridge. All ten transects ware laid from west to east direction with forward bearing of 32°, between transects 150mt distance and also the quadrates were established with regular interval of 200 m from each other. In general, a total of three transects, 31 quadrates and 62 sub-quadrates were used to collect the inventory data from the Gechi in-situ site vegetation. From the inventoried a total of 47 woody plant specimens were collected; out of which 46 specimens were identified to the species level. Major threat of the Gechi forest recording during the study were 1.1% clearing for agriculture, 31.1% and 34.4% of the negative impacts were attributed by browsing and grazing respectively with moderate and intensive (heavy) levels and also 33.3% of forest was cutting of Bamboo for fence construction with the intensity of moderate to intensive disturbance level. To overcome forest disturbance proper conservation has to be taken to solve the problems and prevent the forest from forest disturbance factors. |