Three-dimensional reconstruction of the left ventricle using RP30A GSPECT

Autor: D. Sapoznikov, Stone Dl, S. H. Snyder, S. Yaffe, M. S. Gotsman, S. Rosenheck, H. Atlan
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Proceedings. Computers in Cardiology 1988.
Popis: RP30A (2-methoxy isobutyl isonitrile labeled with Tc-99m) is a new myocardial perfusion agent which permits gated single-photon-emission computerized tomography (GSPECT) due to the high count of the Tc-99m. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the left ventricle (LV) from GSPECT with Tc-RP30A was performed on A PDP-11/34 computer and provided useful information about myocardial shape, thickness, and wall motion and visualization of the epicardial and endocardial surfaces in end-diastole and end-systole (ES). Three-dimensional perspective views were generated which could be rotated to view them from different angles. Quantitative wall motion and thickness analysis was performed by measurements along radii emanating from the center of the endocardial long axis in ES. Bull's-eye and four-leaf diagrams were plotted for observing abnormal regions of wall motion and wall thickening or thinning. In addition to its value as a myocardial perfusion agent, three-dimensional reconstruction of the LV with RP30A GSPECT provides a good method for evaluating LV geometry and function by wall motion and thickening analysis. >
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