Mixed Panniculitis Responding to Cyclosporin-A with a 12-Month Follow-up: A Case Report

Autor: Emanuele Bizzi, F. Vacca, E. Tarquini, L.S. Martin Martin, U. Massafra, Alberto Migliore, C.M. Santacroce
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology. 22:1143-1146
ISSN: 2058-7384
Popis: Panniculitides represent a heterogeneous group of inflammatory diseases involving subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is normally organized into adipose cells, adipocytes, and septa of connective tissue. The inflammation involving such tissues can be more represented in septa (septal panniculitis) or in lobules (lobular panniculitis) or be equally distributed in both (mixed panniculitis). A bioptical study is necessary in order to discern between different forms. Vascular involvement is also different in such diseases, as it can interest arteries, or veins, or both. Different grades of fat necrosis can also be observed, such as adipocytes without nuclei, lipophagic necrosis, liquefactive fat necrosis, microcystic fat necrosis, ischaemic fat necrosis. Panniculitis can be idiopathic or secondary to other diseases such as systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic erithematous lupus and many others. Therapies usually vary on the single patient but the general orientation leads to the use of immunosuppressive drugs such as thalidomide, corticosteroids, cyclosporin-A, hydroxychloroquine and cyclophosphamide. We report a case of a 19-year-old female affected by primary mixed panniculitis, associated with fever and deep asthenia, that resolved in a few weeks and was maintained with oral cyclosporin-A.
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