Étude de la précision de Simbatch, une API pour la simulation de systèmes batch

Autor: Jean-Sébastien Gay, Yves Caniou
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Techniques et sciences informatiques. 27:373-394
ISSN: 0752-4072
Popis: Studies on scheduling algorithms for parallel tasks in a grid computing context either neglect local reservation systems which manage parallel resources, either suppose the use of the First Come First Served strategy, or the experimental model does not handle parallel tasks. We describe here an API built in the grid simulation tool Simgrid. It offers core functionalities to simulate in a realistic way parallel resources and batch reservation systems. Simbatch simulation experiments show an error rate generally inferior to I % compared to real life experiments conducted with the OAR batch manager.
Databáze: OpenAIRE