Graduates' Views of Instructional/Competency Areas in Rehabilitation Counselor Education Programs: A Hypotheses Generating Study

Autor: Malisa W. Janes, William G. Emener
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling. 15:38-43
ISSN: 2639-7641
DOI: 10.1891/0047-2220.15.2.38
Popis: A response sample of 194 recent rehabilitation counselor education (RCE) graduates (24.4% return rate) from eight cooperating institutions rated the extent to which each of 12 RCE instructional/competency areas were and should be emphasized within RCE programs and are currently being utilized in their employment. The 12 RCE instructional/competency areas, from The 1981 Rehabilitation Education Survey (Emener & Rasch, 1981), were: (a) Basic Principles; (b) Counseling Theories and Techniques; (c) Medical Aspects; (d) Psychosocial Aspects; (e) Occupational Information and Job Analysis; (f) Evaluation; (g) Case Management; (h) Community Organization and Resources; (i) Job Development and Placement; (j) Fieldwork; (k) Research, and, (l) Professional Issues. Results, comparing the RCE graduates' actual, preferred, and utility ratings across these 12 areas, and Cross-comparisons with the Emener and Rasch (1981) RCE educators' actual and preferred ratings, are presented in the generation of critical research hypotheses in need of empirical investigation.
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