Selective Synthesis of Methanol from CO + H2over Pd Sulfide in the Presence of H2S

Autor: Akihiro Miyazawa, Muneyoshi Yamada, Takuro Furukawa, Naoto Koizumi
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Chemistry Letters. 30:1282-1283
ISSN: 1348-0715
Popis: Both bulk and SiO2-supported Pd sulfides were found to show methanol synthesis activity from CO + H2 (syngas). SiO2-supported Pd sulfide yielded 120 g kg-cat−1 h−1 of methanol at 613 K, 5.1 Mpa and 20 m3 (STP) kg-cat−1 h−1. In the presence of H2S 120 ppm in concentration, it preserved 40% of the activity that was obtained under the sulfur-free conditions.
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