High-k dielectrics for future generation memory devices (Invited Paper)

Autor: Dirk Wouters, J. Van Houdt, Hugo Bender, Karl Opsomer, Bogdan Govoreanu, Wouter Polspoel, P. Fischer, Robin Degraeve, Jorge A. Kittl, Marc Schaekers, D. Manger, Annelies Delabie, Aude Rothschild, M. A. Pawlak, J. W. Maes, S. Van Elshocht, J. Swerts, Dieter Pierreux, Werner Knaepen, X.P. Wang, Christophe Detavernier, Bert Brijs, Johan Meersschaut, Mihaela Popovici, Sergiu Clima, Paola Favia, Alexis Franquet, Tom E. Blomberg, Mohammed Zahid, Geoffrey Pourtois, Thierry Conard, Wilfried Vandervorst, Nicolas Menou, Malgorzata Jurczak, K. Tomida, Ben Kaczer, Christoph Adelmann, Valery V. Afanas'ev
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Microelectronic Engineering. 86:1789-1795
ISSN: 0167-9317
Popis: The requirements and development of high-k dielectric films for application in storage cells of future generation flash and Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) devices are reviewed. Dielectrics with k-value in the 9-30 range are studied as insulators between charge storage layers and control gates in flash devices. For this application, large band gaps (>6eV) and band offsets are required, as well as low trap densities. Materials studied include aluminates and scandates. For DRAM metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors, aggressive scaling of the equivalent oxide thickness (with targets down to 0.3nm) drives the research towards dielectrics with k-values >50. Due to the high aspect ratio of MIMCap structures, highly conformal deposition techniques are needed, triggering a substantial effort to develop Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) processes for the deposition of metal gates and high-k dielectrics. Materials studied include Sr- and Ba-based perovskites, with SrTiO"3 as one of the most promising candidates, as well as tantalates, titanates and niobates.
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