Germ-Line Intervention and Our Responsibilities to Future Generations

Autor: Salvino Busuttil, Katsuhiko Yazaki, Tae-Chang Kim, Emanuel Agius
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Philosophy and Medicine ISBN: 9789401061643
Germ-Line Intervention and Our Responsibilities to Future Generations
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-011-5149-8
Popis: Foreword L. Galea. Introduction E. Agius. Part I: From Laboratory to Germ-Line Therapy. Screening for Genetic Diseases: What Are the Moral Constraints? A. Cuschieri. The Moral Status of the Human Genome A. Deepandung, W.T. Noonpakdee. Part II: The Concept of Human Nature: Theological and Secular Perspectives. The Zen World and the Mental Genes K. Inoue. Moral Reasoning in Bioethics and Posterity S. Privitera. Redesigning the Human Genome: Are There Constraints from Nature? K.Wm. Wildes. Human Nature Genetically Re-engineered: Moral Responsibilities to Future Generations H.T. Engelhardt, Jr. Part III: Genetic Interventions and the Common Heritage View. Patenting Life: Our Responsibilities to Present and Future Generations E. Agius. Should We Treat the Human Germ-Line as a Global Human Resource? E.T. Juengst. Part IV: Social Responsibilities of Geneticists Toward Future Generations. Germ-Line Engineering as the Eugenics of the Future Qiu Renzong. Guardianship by Peer Review in Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology A.E. Felice. Are We Our Descendants' Keepers? D. Heyd. The Unknowable Effects of Genetic Interventions on Future Generations (Or, Who Guards the Genetic Engineers in Democratic Republics?) S.F. Spicker. Homo Propheticus U.M. Bonnici. Notes on Contributors. Index.
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