Genetic analysis of oleic acid content in the oils of maize sugary-2 mutants

Autor: D. S. Tymchuk, G. S. Potapenko, N. F. Tymchuk, V. V. Muzhylko
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Faktori eksperimental'noi evolucii organizmiv. 24:172-176
ISSN: 2415-3826
Popis: Aim. Genetic analysis of oleate content in the carriers of maize mutation su2. Methods. Experiments were performed on a series of unrelated inbreeds – carriers of mutation su2 which were hybridized by the diallel and top – cross crossings. The analysis of the fatty acid composition of oil were carried out using a modified gas-chromatographic Peyskare method. Results. It was found, that su2 mutants were notable as having the increased content of oleate compared to the maize of usual type and this trait has a quantitative nature. The inbreeds – carriers of su2 mutation were significantly differed in the the effects of combining abilities for the oleate content. The inheritance of oleate was carried out by the type of incomplete dominance with the prevailing contribution of additive effects to the variance. Conclusions. In the sixth maize chromosome it is very likely that there is a spatial linkage of the su2 and oleate- encoding locus, the effect of which can be modified by the polygenic complex. Keywords: Zea mays L., mutation su2, oleic acid, genetic analysis.
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