Soliton Automata with Multiple Waves

Autor: Helmut Jürgensen, Henning Bordihn, Heiko Ritter
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Computing with New Resources ISBN: 9783319133492
Computing with New Resources
Popis: Soliton automata were defined by Dassow and Jurgensen about 1986 to model the changes of the bond structure in certain types of molecules as a result of a soliton wave travelling through the molecules. We extend the model to include the presence of more than just a single soliton. Certain situations are specific to the multi-soliton case and lead to changes to some of the basic definitions and result in a new class of soliton automata. In this paper we lay the foundations for a theory of multi-soliton automata, explain the modelling decisions, and discuss issues which are new when multiple solitons are considered.
Databáze: OpenAIRE