Disease Predictor Based on Symptoms Using Machine Learning

Autor: M Vamshi Krishna Reddy
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology. 10:2549-2555
ISSN: 2321-9653
Popis: Given how important the health sector is in curing prescribers' problems, Disease Prediction based on Symptoms with Machine Learning is a system that predicts diseases based on the user's knowledge of clinical manifestations, assuring solid findings based on such facts. If the user simply has to know a little bit about the sickness and the patient isn't in any danger, this technique can be used to learn a little bit about minor ailments. It's a system that provides medical advice and tactics to clients, as well as a tool to help them figure out what ailment they have utilizing this forecast. It's also a big benefit for the healthcare sector as well as individuals who don't want to travel to a hospital or clinic for their initial diagnosis. The user can learn a lot about the condition that has been revealed to him or her by simply inputting the side effects and other critical information, and the health sector can benefit from this method by simply asking the patient for symptoms and giving them a diagnosis. To achieve Disease Prediction based on Symptoms, we used Machine Learning techniques, Python Programming with Tkinter Interface, and a dataset acquired from hospitals. The phrases Disease Predictor, Machine Learning, and Tkinter Interface are used in this research.
Databáze: OpenAIRE