Studies of photon induced gas desorption using synchrotron radiation

Autor: R. Souchet, Herbert Störi, A. G. Mathewson, P. Strubin, O. Grobner
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Vacuum. 33:397-406
ISSN: 0042-207X
Popis: In view of finalizing the design of the vacuum system of the Large Electron and Positron Storage Ring (LEP) we have studied synchrotron radiation induced neutral gas desorption. A 3 m section of an aluminum vacuum chamber has been exposed to the photon beam emerging from the electron storage ring DCI in Orsay, under conditions closely simulating the environment in a particle acceletor. In order of importance the gases desorbed were H 2 , CO 2 , CO and CH 4 with H 2 O practically absent. Under the experimental conditions of an unbaked chamber and 11 mrad glancing incidence of the photons, the initial molecular desorption yields for these gases were typically 0.5, 8 × 10 −2 , 2 × 10 −2 and 8 × 10 −3 molecules per photon respectively. These values could be reduced by about 1 to 2 orders of magnitude during continued photon exposure and most cases without evidence that this ‘beam cleaning action’ would be limited. After exposure to air and pumpdown of the previously cleaned chamber, we observe a significant memory effect. The dependence of the photon desorption on the angle of incidence has been studied down to a glancing angle of 11 mrad showing a definite deviation from the previously assumed 1/sin o scaling. The implications of the results in terms of the expected beam-gas lifetime in LEP are discussed.
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