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Fenomena pendekatan perancangan kota yang banyak dilakukan saat ini jarang mengakomodasi keberagaman struktur sosiokultural yang telah terbentuk di kawasan tersebut. Para perancang taman lebih sering melihat taman kota sebagai benda fisik (physical artifact) dibandingkan sebagai benda budaya (cultural artifact). Masih ditemukan kesenjangan perangkat rencana taman kota, yaitu kesenjangan antara rencana tata ruang yang bersifat dua dimensi dan rencana fisik yang bersifat tiga dimensi. Teori human centered design dengan pendekatan partisipatif berpeluang mengembangkan dan menjamin suatu komunitas sosial yang memungkinkan terjadinya proses belajar dari masyarakat untuk beradaptasi dan berintegrasi dengan lingkungannya. Teori Human Centered Design memiliki tiga perspektif utama, yaitu desirability, feasibility, dan viability. Fleksibilitas adalah kata kunci ketika mengaplikasikan teori human-centered design ke dalam desain taman kota. Titik tekan lingkaran dalam teori human-centered design pada kasus Taman Kresna memiliki porsi yang berbeda dengan kondisi ideal. Desain model yang diaplikasikan masih memuat banyak kekurangan terutama proses aplikasi dengan studi kasus. Kata kunci : teori human centered design, elemen fisik, taman kresna The phenomenon of urban design approach that is currently done rarely accommodates the diversity of socio-cultural structures formed in the region. The designers of the parks often see city parks as physical artifacts rather than as cultural artifacts. However, there was still a gap between the tools of spatial plan, i.e. the two-dimensional spatial plans and the three-dimensional physical plans. The theory of human-centered design with a participatory approach provides the opportunity to develop and guarantee a social community that allows the learning process for the society to adapt and integrate with their surroundings. The theory of Human-Centered Design has three main perspectives: desirability (demand), feasibility (eligibility) and viability (sustainability). Flexibility is the keyword when applying the theory of human-centered design into the design of urban parks. The focus of the theory of human-centered design in the case of Taman Kresna has a portion different from the ideal condition. The applied model design still has weaknesses especially in term of the process of its application to the case study. Keywords: human centered design theory, physical element, kresna park |