Heat-Reflecting Geocement Based Coatings Containing Perlite for Fire Protection of Timber

Autor: Pavlо Krivenko, Konstantinos Sotiriadis, Yurii Tsapko, Sergii Guzii, Anastasiia Kravchenko
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Advanced Materials Research. 1122:11-14
ISSN: 1662-8985
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.1122.11
Popis: In this paper, the application of a heat-reflecting geocement coating, containing perlite, to reduce timber combustibility was studied. An optimized coating composition was prepared, which consisted of a geocement (Na2O·Al2O3·6SiO2·21.5H2O) and expanded perlite (9.5%). The main firing properties of this coating were invastigated. In terms of flammability, the fire protected timber reduces mass loss by 13 times and temperature of combustion gases by 5.2 times compared to unprotected timber. According to standard indicators, the reduction is by 1.3 and 10 times, respectively. The smoke generation of fire protected timber was decreased by 4.9 times (combustion mode) and 3.8 times (smoldering mode) in comparison to the unprotected timber. According to standard indicators, the decrease is by 4.5 and 2.3 times for each mode, respectively. The index of flame spread and the combustion rate reduced by 20.3 and 6.3 times, respectively, in the case of the fire protected timber compared to the unprotected one. The pine timber protected by heat-reflecting fireproofing geocement based coating, which contains perlite, refers to flame-retardant materials with moderate smoke generation and with low index of flame spread on the surface.
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