Dedicated software packages to support PACS research

Autor: Elizabeth M. S. J. van Gennip, Bas M. van Poppel, Luuk Steenbergen, F. P. Ottes
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in Medicine ISBN: 9783642765681
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-76566-7_61
Popis: This paper is concerned with two software packages that have been developed. Each of these supports a research activity of BAZIS in the field of PACS, i.e. Diagnostic Image Quality and Technology Assessment. The diagnostic quality of (digital) imaging systems can be measured in an objective way by means of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) technique. The performance of ROC studies involves many practical difficulties. It was recognized that the use of dedicated software could bring relief here. The financial consequences of the implementation of PACS have been studied by various groups. Our comparison of such studies in the literature revealed many discrepancies. An international dialogue is needed to elicit the reasons behind these differences. We have developed a software package that calculates the costs and savings of the PACS system in comparison with the film-based system. The international use of the package will facilitate analysis and support the required dialogue.
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