Contribuições sobre causas de aderência as práticas esportivas na perspectiva do lazer no Rio de Janeiro

Autor: Alexandre Motta de Freitas, Manoel José GomesTubino
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Fitness & Performance Journal. 2:213-220
ISSN: 1676-5133
DOI: 10.3900/fpj.2.4.213.p
Popis: Contributions on the reasons for the encouragement OF SPORTING practices seen as leisure in the city of Rio de Janeiro The objective of this research went analyze the answers presented by a group of apprentices of sports in the perspective of the leisure in the city of Rio de Janeiro they can contribute to a new focus for that practice of social stamp. The used methodology inserted in the phenomenon paradigm with man’s interpretative dimension, it was composed by a sample of 80 people with age between 40 and 60 years. The article makes a reflection concerning the sport in the perspective of the leisure. It discusses new possibilities of social inclusion, valuing the sport as cultural and replete act of values. It emphasizes that the study object here discussed; in the case the man and its possibilities deserve larger prominence and a better deepening in the involved political subjects. It presents in a simple way that equalitarian political projects hardly exist and truly worried with the lacks of being of the man, because they don’t allow to take to effect the sports that were practiced during the school phase. It still presents data that should be part and if they turn objective of a public politics of leisure. Search to answer starting from the understanding and the group interviewee’s evaluation, what needs to be done for democratization of that he/she practices, and if the attitudes on the part of the group that has access to the that practice it can influence and until changing the attitudes of those that don’t practice sports as leisure. It concludes that the experience of the sport leisure is the body in its fullness; and that cannot in end we look for such dreamed evolution.
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