Insecticides for Control of the Greenhouse Whiteflyl1

Autor: Floyd F. Smith, A. L. Boswell, Asher K. Ota
Rok vydání: 1970
Zdroj: Journal of Economic Entomology. 63:522-527
ISSN: 1938-291X
Popis: Test materials applied to control Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) in greenhouses varied in their toxicity to nymphs and pupae. Aldicarb was more effective than other systemic insecticides tested. Sprays of parathion gave higher kills and had longer residual activity than aerosols. Sprays of azinphosmethyl and monotocrotophos were equal to parathion in controlling nymphs. Endosulfan, which had previously given good control of whitefly nymphs, was relatively ineffective. Sprays were the most effective formulations, but aerosols, mists, or fumigants are easier to use in large commercial greenhouses. Also, the highly effective slow-release formulation of dichlorvos in ground corncobs may be acceptable for use in smaller greenhouses. Regularly timed applications of calcium cyanide as a fumigant or of aerosols or mists containing parathion, tepp, or dichlorvos were highly effective.
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