Learning and Memory in Invertebrates: Hermissenda

Autor: J.-J. Xue-Bian, Lian-Ming Tian, T. Crow
Rok vydání: 2009
DOI: 10.1016/b978-008045046-9.00800-7
Popis: Pavlovian conditioning of Hermissenda results in the acquisition of two conditioned responses (CRs): conditioned stimulus-elicited foot-shortening and inhibition of light-elicited locomotion. The neural circuitry for one of the CRs, inhibition of light-elicited locomotion, has been identified and modifications in synaptic efficacy and intrinsic enhanced excitability have been localized to components of the neural circuit. Intrinsic enhanced excitability in sensory neurons of the conditioned stimulus pathway and synaptic facilitation between sensory neurons and interneurons result in inhibition of motor neuron activity elicited by the conditioned stimulus in conditioned animals. The neural circuit responsible for the generation of the CR consists of primary sensory neurons and three levels of interneurons that project to the motor neurons responsible for the generation of light-elicited locomotion.
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