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Cladiopsocus tukunare n. sp. (Figs 90–102) Diagnosis. Belonging in species group “2”, subgroup 4, in the classification of Eertmoed (1986), but the females do not present the subgenital plaque tri-lobed. Males and females with second and third tarsomeres fused, paraproct tubercle reduced; wings hyaline, without spots and vein s tubs as in C. domesticus (New), C. iscuande n. sp., C. pancheorum n. sp., and C. altamiraensis n. sp. Differing from them in that the phallosome lacks a median posterior tongue and the paraproctal prong is small and tapered (Fig. 94). The female has the lateral lobes of the gonapophyses large and elongate; spermathecal plate piriform, similar to those in C. distinctus Eertmoed and C. clarus Eertmoed. Male. Color. Head (Fig. 92) brown, vertex, front and postclypeus dark brown; anteclypeus, labrum, mandibles, labium and maxilla pale brown. Compound eyes dark brown, ocelli hyaline, in a dark brown area. Antennae and maxillary palps pale brown. Pro- and metanotum pale brown, mesonotum brown, thoracic pleura and legs pale brown, tibiae and tarsi darker. Forewing membrane hyaline (Fig. 90); veins pale brown, without brown spots along the veins and at wing margin. Hindwings hyaline, without spots (Fig. 91). Abdomen brown, abdominal segmental rings pale brown, clunium and hypandrium pale brown, clunium with narrow anterior border dark brown; epiproct and paraproct pale brown, paraprocts darker proximally. Morphology. As in diagnosis plus the following: head vertex emarginate, almost at the same level of the upper margin of the compound eyes (Fig. 92); these large, with interommatidial setae, D is 0.54 the length of the head in front view. Forewings (Fig. 90); membrane pterostigma with setae, without spur veins. Hypandrium semioval, broad, posterior margin emarginate, with medium sized setae and macrosetae (Fig. 93). Phallosome elongate, wide distally, external parameres rounded laterally (Fig. 94); endophallic lobes broad, rounded apically, touching each other along the midline, internal parameres narrow and united posteriorly. Epiproct irregularly polygonal (Fig. 95), slightly angulate posteriorly, with three macrosetae mesally, posterior setal field as illustrated. Paraprocts (Fig. 96) with medium sized setae and macrosetae on long, stout mesal process as illustrated; mesal prong stout, little sclerotized; sensory fields with 15 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Measurements. FW: 2300, HW: 1725, F: 530, T: 935, t1: 360, t2: 97, ctt1: 23, f1: 350, f2: 260, f3: 232, f4: 190, f5: 130, f6: 130, f7: 110, f8: 90, f9: 90, f10: 78, f11: 52, Mx4:160, IO: 170, D: 322, d: 220, IO/d: 0.77, PO: 0.68. Female. Color. Essentially as in the male; forewings hyaline, without spots as in the males (Fig. 97). Subgenital plate, epiproct, paraprocts and gonapophyses pale brown. Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (Fig. 99) with upper border of the compound eyes below the level of the vertex, compound eyes smaller than in the males, with interommatidial setae, D is 0.43 the length of the head in front view, narrower than the interocular distance; forewings as in the male. Subgenital plate broadly trapeziform, with abundant setae (Fig. 100). Gonapophyses (Fig. 101), slender, curved, with macrosetae and abundant setae distally; v2 +3 with a row of ten macrosetae, distal process with microsetae. Epiproct (Fig. 102) elongate, triangular, rounded distally, with three macrosetae mesally, four distal macrosetae and abundant medium sized setae distally, as illustrated. Paraprocts (Fig. 102) triangular, with setae as illustrated, sensory fields with 18 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Measurements. FW: 2400, HW: 1830, F: 525, T: 925, t1: 350, t2+3: 100, ctt1: 20, f1: 325, f2: 262, f3: 157, Mx4: 160, IO: 260, D: 260, d: 165, IO/d: 1.57; PO: 0.64. Specimens studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA. Putumayo. Puerto Leguizamo. Resguardo Tukunare, buffer area of the National Natural Park La Paya, 0°07’24.65’’N: 74°55’38.11’’W, 189 m., 9–10.II.2016. J. Panche. Led light trap on forest canopy. MUSENUV slide code 2898. Paratypes: 3 males, 3 females, same data as the holotype, MUSENUV slide code 2899. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the type locality, the Resguardo Indigena Tukunare, in La Paya (Puerto Leguizamo, Putumayo). |