International Climate Assessment & Dataset: Climate Services across Borders

Autor: Rudmer Jilderda, Andrea Freire, Aryan van Engelen, Albert Klein Tank, Gé Verver, Yunus S. Swarinoto, Omar Baddour, Gerard van der Schrier, Mariama S. Abass, Sunaryo, Peer Hechler, Juan José Nieto, Iqbal, Else van den Besselaar, Arie Kattenberg, Aris Suwondo, Rodney Martínez Güingla, Robert Leander, Andre Kamga Foamouhoue, Bayu Imbang Laksono, Albert S. Mhanda
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 96:16-21
ISSN: 1520-0477
Popis: The International Climate Assessment & Dataset (ICA&D) concept provides climate services on a regional scale for users in participating countries and the broader scientific community. It builds on the expertise gained in Europe, where national meteorological services collaborate by sharing climate data in order to produce regional climate assessments. Universities and data-rescue initiatives have joined this collaboration. The result is a web-based information system that combines quality-controlled daily station data with derived climate indices. Indices are provided for mean and extreme climate conditions including droughts, heat waves, and heavy rainfall events. ICA&D systems currently exist in Europe and in three regions of the world vulnerable to climate change: Southeast Asia, Latin America, and West Africa. Historical perspectives on climate variability and change are integrated with the monitoring of current climate evolution through regular updates of the data series obtained from meteoro...
Databáze: OpenAIRE