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Vitex humblotiana Callm. & Phillipson, nom. et stat. nov. Ξ Vitex cauliflora var. longifolia Moldenke in Phytologia 3: 433. 1951 [non V. longifolia Merr.]. Holotypus: MADAGASCAR. Prov. Toamasina: “ Passimbé ”, 27.XII.1881, fl., Humblot 90 (P [P00440350]!; isotype: P [P00440351]!). Notes. – Vitex humblotiana can be easily recognized by its very large (25-43 × 4.5-8.5 cm), unifoliolate, coriaceous leaves and its cauliflorous inflorescences with pubescent pedicels, bracts and calyx and yellow strigose corolla (see Table 1). This species is confined to low to mid-elevation evergreen forests in east-central Madagascar. Conservation status. – Vitex humblotiana is known from 9 locations and five are encompassed in the protected area network (Analalava, Betampona and Zahamena). The species is threatened by habitat degradation due to forest exploitation, tavy and bush fires, especially in areas that are not formally protected. With an EOO of c. 14,760 km 2 and an AOO of 40 km 2, V. humblotiana is assigned a preliminary IUCN conservation status of “Vulnerable” [VU B1ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)+2ab(i,ii,iii,iv,v)]. Specimens examined. – MADAGASCAR. Prov. Fianarantsoa: c. 0.6 km of Ambodirafia, 21°20’26”S 47°42’14”E, 534 m, 14.XI.1998, Almeda et al. 8128 (CAS, P). Prov. Toamasina: Foulpointe, Ananalava, 17°42’S 49°26’E, 12.XI.2007, Andriamiarinoro 85 (MO, P, TAN); Analalava Mahavelona Foulpointe, Fokontany Morarano, Piste Rabedona, 17°42’06”S 49°27’19”E, 38 m, 7.X.2011, Andriamiarinoro & Amosa 249 (MO, P, TAN); Brickaville, Maroseranana, à 5 heures de marche d’Andeka, vers le N, Amparamanambola, lieu dit Sahatsara 18°26’23”S 48°49’40’’E, 698 m, 28.X.2005, Andriamihajarivo et al. 615 (MO, P [P04398258], TAN); Analalava, W of Foulpointe, 17°42’S 49°29’E, 0-50 m, 13.XII.1984, Barnett & Dorr 263 (MO, P); Didy a Brickaville, [18°29’S 48°48’E], Cours 4905 (P [P04398292]); forêts d’Ambanivoules, Savaïndou, II.1837, Goudot s.n. (G); Analanjirofo, Analalava, 17°42’23”S 49°27’05”E, X.2008, Nikolov et al. 1765 (MO, TAN); Zahamena AP, partie SE, 17°43’30”S 48°59’25”E, 610 m, 20.X.1994, Randrianjanaka 222 (G, MO, P, TAN); Zahamena AP, Andranofantsona, 10 km au S de Manakambahiny I, au bord du rivière Ihofika, 17°39’17”S 48°49’10”E, 600 m, 23.X.2002, Razafitsalama 142 (CNARP, MO, P [P04398287], TEF); Ambodiriana, Betampona, [17°55’S 49°13’E], 29.X.1953, Réserves Naturelles 5872 (G, MO, P, TAN); Ambodiriana, [17°55’S 49°13’E], 13.VII. 954, Réserves Naturelles 6458 (G, P [2 sheets]); Betampona, RN 1, au N d’Ambodiriana [17°56’S 49°15’E], 250-500 m, 20.VIII.1957, Service Forestier 18093 (P [2 sheets], TEF); Analalava à l’W de Foulpointe, [17°42’S 49°26’E], 30.X.1963, Service Forestier 22795 (MO, P, TEF). |