Hardware Solution for Cybersecurity of Unmanned Systems Critical Infrastructure

Autor: Galia Marinova, Eriselda Malaj, Marsida Ibro
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Monitoring and Protection of Critical Infrastructure by Unmanned Systems ISBN: 9781643683768
Popis: This paper describes different vulnerabilities in the infrastructure of unmanned systems. Unmanned systems and wireless communication are prone to software and hardware attacks. Security is an important issue during system design. This study shows that hardware security implementation of FPGA-based design in the unmanned system and provides a robust security design method. The use of logic encryption technique is implemented to change the value of the input signal based on the security key value. The increase in the number of bits in keys protects against different cyberattacks but it increases the complexity of the design depending on the application and the level where it is applied. This security method is implemented in the Zedboard device and is used to ensure hardware security for the application.
Databáze: OpenAIRE