First results of complex studies of modern microorganisms by physico-chemical and mineral-geochemical methods

Autor: S. N. Shanina, G. V. Ignatiev, A. V. Slyusar, V. N. Philippov, Geochemistry Ub Ras, I. V. Smoleva, T. N. Schemelinina, A. F. Khazov, A. S. Shuisky, E. A. Vasiliev, A. V. Kokin, O. V. Martirosyan, N. V. Pavlovich, D. V. Kiseleva, V. I. Silaev
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Vestnik of Geosciences. 9:3-33
ISSN: 2712-7761
Popis: We studied 14 samples of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, unicellular yeasts and green algae using optical, atomic force and analytical scanning electron microscopy, thermal analysis, gas chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and isotope mass spectrometry. In shape, the cells of microorganisms vary from rod-shaped to lenticular and coccoid, in size they range from mesonanometer to micrometer. A strong positive correlation was found between the extreme cell sizes. An admixture of inorganic chemical elements — Mg, Ca, Ba, Na, K, Cu, Zn, P, S, Cl and submicron-sized precipitates of mineral phases — carbonates, phosphate sulfates, hydrogen sulfate phosphates, hydrogen phosphates, halite, kaolinite, was found in the chemical composition of the studied microorganisms, metal alloys of brass composition, baddeleyite. Among the 45 microelements identified in microorganisms, there were 7 essential elements (E), 17 physiogenically active (FA) and 19 abiotic (AB). The total concentration of trace elements ranged from 0.003—0.26 wt. %. The value of the essential coefficient — E / AB — averaged 196 ± 153. Microorganisms were characterized by a mixed fat-protein elemental composition, they contained 14 amino acids belonging to the aliphatic, aromatic, basic, acidic, hydroxyl, imino and sulfur-containing groups. The total amino acid content ranged from 409 to 942 (682 ± 221) mg/g. Up to half of the amino acids were represented by the left (L) and right (D) enantiomers. The degree of racemization (D / L) ranged from 0.01 to 0.37. Yeast and chlorella were characterized by the most isotopically heavy composition of carbon in combination with relatively isotopically light nitrogen. In bacteria, a statistically lighter carbon was found in combination with a much heavier nitrogen. According to a number of properties — the chemical composition of organic matter, microelements, the degree of enrichment with antibiotic elements, the content of amino acids and the degree of their racemization — gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria differed. In general, the studied biological microorganisms were fundamentally different from the abiogenic organic substances found in meteorites and products of modern volcanism regarding their elemental and amino acid composition, carbon and nitrogen isotopes.
Databáze: OpenAIRE