Predicted No-Effect Concentration of Roundup in the Composition with Pharmaceutical Chlorpromazine or Heating Causes Similar Biochemical Disturbances in Bivalve Mollusk Unio Tumidus

Autor: Vira Khoma, Viktoria Martinyuk, Tetyana Matskiv, Lesya Gnatyshyna, Vitaliy Baranovsky, Mykola Gladiuk, Brigita Gylytė, Levonas Manusadžianas, Oksana Stoliar
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.21203/
Popis: The ability of bioindicators to reflect the specific impacts in complex exposures is unpredicted. This study aimed to track the particular effects of pesticide Roundup (Rn) and antipsychotic drug chlorpromazine (Cpz) on the mussel Unio tumidus at environmentally relevant mixtures. The mussels were treated by Rn (17 µg L−1), Cpz (18 µg L−1), mixture of Rn and Cpz at 18 oC (RnCpz) as well as by Rn at 25 oC (RnT). Digestive glands were examined after 14 days of exposure. The indexes of stress response (total antioxidant capacity, glutathione (GSH&GSSG), metallothioneins (MTSH and Zn-MT), protein carbonyls levels), and markers of metabolic and detoxication (CYP450 related (EROD), Glutathione S-transpherase (GST), cholinesterase, caspase-3, citrate synthase (CS) activities), lysosomal membrane integrity, and Zn level were analyzed. Mostly common responses of mussels were indicated as the increase of oxidative stress, MTSH (except Cpz-group), EROD and CS (except Rn-group) responses. Rn-group indicated almost no-effect or abnormal for expected symptoms effect. However, under the heating Rn caused the decrease of Zn accumulation and loss of lysosomal integrity. Cpz provoked major response diverseness: a decrease in Zn and GST levels and an increase in lysosomal integrity. Thus, complex exposures abolished the individual response traits. Summarising, the application of integrated indices has benefits when evaluating the effects of complex exposures.
Databáze: OpenAIRE