A Low-Power Codeword-Based Viterbi Decoder with Fine-Grained Error Detection and Correction Techniques

Autor: Chih-Yuan Liang, Shiann-Rong Kuang, I-Ping Tseng
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 43:585-595
ISSN: 2191-4281
Popis: Viterbi decoders are one of the most popular error-correcting channel decoders in wireless communication devices. However, a Viterbi decoder is also usually the dominant module in the mobile devices in terms of power consumption. To avoid the superfluous codeword decoding and reduce the power consumption, this paper proposes a low-power codeword-based Viterbi decoder and its corresponding VLSI architecture with the following advantages and contributions. Firstly, instead of the segment-based error detection (a segment is composed of $$K - 1$$ received codewords, and K is the constraint length), the proposed decoder can detect whether each received codeword is erroneous. The fine-grained error detection will result in fewer codewords that have to be corrected through the Viterbi decoder. Secondly, based on the codeword-based error detection, we develop a simple method to locate and correct the isolated faulty codewords that do not appear successively. As a result, the activation times of the Viterbi decoder can be further decreased. Furthermore, the survivor memory unit of the proposed codeword-based Viterbi decoder is split into several decoding stages and the corresponding stages can be disabled with a clock-gating technique when the codewords are non-erroneous. Experimental results show that the proposed decoder can save up to 30.85% power saving with negligible area and delay overheads compared with the previous segment-based design.
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