Shipping, Trade and Crusade in the Medieval Mediterranean

Autor: Elizabeth Jeffreys, Ruthy Gertwagen
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: Contents: Section I Shipping: Prolegomena to a world history of the harbour and river chain, Benjamin Z, Kedar The socio-economic implications for ship construction: evidence from underwater archaeology and the Codex Theodosianus, Hadas Mor An unpublished medieval portolan of the Mediterranean in Minneapolis, David Jacoby Difficult sources: Crusader art and the depiction of ships, Richard W. Unger Les vices et la criminalitA(c) des marins vA(c)nitiens A bord des navires vers la Mer Noire, XIVe-XVe siAcles, Sergei Karpov Byzantine shipbuilding in 15th-century Venetian Crete: war galleys and the link to the Arsenal in Venice, Ruthy Gertwagen. Section II Trade: A Mediterranean encounter: the Fatimids and Europe, 10th to 12th centuries, Yaacov Lev Local networks in medieval Sicily: the evidence of Idrisi, David Abulafia Aspects of intercoastal trade in the Western Mediterranean: the voyage of the Santa Maria de Natzare, Lawrence V Mott Brevi note su Pera Genovese a metA del XIV secolo, Laura Balletto Genoa and Barcelona: two hypotheses for a 'global' world, Gabriella Airaldi. Section III Crusade: The crusader march from Dorylaion to Herakleia, 4 July-ca. 2 September 1097, Bernard S. Bachrach Sex, death and the problem of single women in the armies of the first crusade, Alan V, Murray Caffaro, crusade, and the Annales Januensis: history and its uses in 12th-century Genoa, John Dotson Mercenaries and Capuchins in southern France in the late 12th century, John France Memory and the diversion of the Fourth Crusade, Thomas F. Madden The Cathars and the Albigensian crusade, Mark Gregory Pegg The importance of Greeks in Latin thought: the evidence of Roger Bacon, Amanda Power The roles of Hospitaller and Templar sergeants, Jonathan Riley-Smith Buondelmonti and the holy war, Michel Balard Index.
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