Study 2: Face Variability and Expectations of Encounter in Prospective Person Memory Sightings

Autor: Nesmith, Blake L.
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: This project is a second study that will examine how expectations of encounter and ambient photograph variability influence person searches and sightings. Both studies (study 1 and 2) will investigate both attention via expectations of encountering a person and face recognition via ambient photographs in two studies. Study 2 will investigate both variables in a simulated person search. Study 2 will involve participants coming to the lab and watching two TikTok videos with the guise that the study’s purpose is to learn more about people’s attitudes towards TikToks. One TikTok will be a mock missing persons alert, and after viewing the alert participants will be informed that the TikTok is not real but part of a contest. If participants spot the target and report a sighting to a sighting email within one week of completing the lab session of the study, they will be eligible to win a portion of a cash prize. A follow up survey will be sent 24 hours after the lab session to assess non-reported sightings. All participants will have the opportunity to sight the target immediately after completing the lab session.
Databáze: OpenAIRE