Training and management development in Europe

Autor: Sylvie Roussillon, Frank Bournois, Jean-Hugues Chauchat
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Policy and Practice in European Human Resource Management ISBN: 9781315231426
Popis: This chapter aims to describe how executives are trained and how their career development is managed in European companies. It devotes to examining the management training and career development of executives, since a number of studies show that this theme figures among the main concerns of firms for the future. Training is the major objective of European firms and this fact has not varied during the last few years whereas the budget devoted to it keeps on increasing. The strategic decision makers also consider training and management development as a major objective for the next ten years with the emphasis on perceiving the different legal environments and understanding the differences between the markets. Analysing a firm's management practices theme by theme does not lead to an automatic grouping together of countries; on the contrary, the grouping varies greatly according to the subjects treated.
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