Das Krankheitsmanagement von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Adipositas und Asthma bronchiale: Veränderungen und Prädiktoren im Rahmen stationärer Rehabilitation

Autor: E. Farin, F. Petermann, M. Gustke
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Die Rehabilitation. 50:397-407
ISSN: 1439-1309
Popis: BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE There is growing interest in disease-related self-management as a means of coping with chronic disease. Improving disease-related self-management has thus become a key aim of inpatient medical rehabilitation of children and adolescents. We conducted this study in the framework of the project entitled "Outcome quality in medical inpatient rehabilitation of children and adolescents" initiated and financed by the German statutory pension and statutory health insurance programmes. STUDY AIM Our study aim was to examine any changes following inpatient medical rehabilitation in the diagnosis-specific disease self-management of children suffering from obesity and from bronchial asthma. In addition we sought to identify any personal characteristics of the rehabilitants that might predict changes in self-management. METHODS We collected data from 17 inpatient medical rehabilitation centres on disease-related self-management in children with obesity (n=706) and bronchial asthma (n=162) at the start of rehabilitation and 6 weeks after rehabilitation. The age of the diagnostic group "obesity" averaged 14.3 years, with a male percentage of 39.3%. The average age in the diagnostic group "bronchial asthma" was 14.0 years, with a male percentage of 54.2%. A questionnaire was used addressing the self-management of chronically ill young people. To compare the results from both measurement occasions, we employed t-tests for dependent samples and calculated effect-sizes. Using hierarchical regression analyses, we determined predictors of change in disease-related self-management. The predictor variables were included into the hierarchical regression analyses within 6 topical blocks (baseline disease management, sociodemography, body functions, baseline quality of life, motivation for rehabilitation, and duration of rehabilitation). RESULTS We observed significant post-rehabilitation improvement of disease-related self-management in both the obese (T=-22.423; p
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