Analysis and Optimization of Coil Loss in Mobile Phone Wireless Power Transfer System

Autor: Qianyu Sun, Wei Chen, Yu Zeng
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering ISBN: 9781643683522
Popis: In the mobile phone wireless power transfer (WPT) system with magnetic core, the loss caused by the magnetic core and winding is the central part of the system loss. Among them, the core loss is mainly related to magnetic materials, working frequency, magnetic flux density and other factors in the core; The winding loss is mainly related to the current flowing through the winding and the resistance of the winding. In this paper, it analyses the influence of the working frequency, the number of turns, the number of strands of Litz wire and different turn-width of the winding on the loss of the system. Finally, according to the analysis results, the coils within the allowable range of working frequency and current of transmitting and receiving coils are made to verify the feasibility of the optimization scheme. The simulation and experimental results show that the coil loss of the optimized scheme will be reduced under the condition that the current and phase flowing into the coils are equal.
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