Future Prospects of RF Hadron Beam Profile Monitors for Intense Neutrino Beam

Autor: Liu, Qiaoyi, Backfish, Michael, Cummings, Mary Anne, Freemire, Ben, Johnson, Rolland, Kazakevich, Grigory, Moretti, Alfred, Papadimitriou, Vaia, Tollestrup, Alvin, Yonehara, Katsuya, Zwaska, Robert
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.18429/jacow-napac2016-tupoa44
Popis: A novel beam monitor based on a gas-filled RF resonator is proposed to measure the precise profile of secondary particles downstream of a target in the LBNF beam line at high intensity. The RF monitor is so simple that it promises to be radiation robust in extremely high-radiation environment. When a charged beam passes through a gas-filled microwave RF cavity, it produces electron-ion pairs in the RF cavity. The induced plasma changes the gas permittivity in proportion to the beam intensity. The permittivity shift can be measured by the modulated RF frequency and quality factor. The beam profile can thus be reconstructed from the signals from individual RF cavity pixels built into the beam profile monitor. A demonstration test is underway, and the current results has shown technical feasibility. The next phase consists of two stages, (1) to build and test a new multi-cell 2.45 GHz RF cavity that can be used for the NuMI beamline, and (2) to build and test a new multi-cell 9.3 GHz RF cavity that can be put in service in a future beamline at the LBNF for spatial resolution. These two resonant frequencies are chosen since they are the standard frequencies for magnetron RF source.
Proceedings of the North American Particle Accelerator Conf., NAPAC2016, Chicago, IL, USA
Databáze: OpenAIRE