Modeling of Light Propagation in Bent Multimode Optical Waveguides of Fiber-Optic Pressure Sensors

Autor: A. V. Lysenko, Nikolay Yurkov, T. Yu. Brostilova, A. K. Grishko, S. A. Brostilov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 Wave Electronics and its Application in Information and Telecommunication Systems (WECONF).
Popis: This paper considers the process of light propagation in a multimode optical waveguide being used in fiber-optic pressure sensors (FOPS). The Maxwell’s equations for the simplified geometry of bending are considered (for example, to represent it as sections of torus segments and "stitch" the solutions in different segments). Statistical modeling methods are used, for example, the Monte Carlo method to calculate a set of trajectories based on the solution of purely geometrical problems for finding intersection points and using Fresnel conditions in case of a refracting reflection point, or reflection from a surface with two radii of curvature in case of a tunneling reflection point. The research results will allow us to design and simulate a sensitive element of the sensor.
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