'I have always lived desperate and vulnerable on the edge of helplessness and collapse…': A phenomenological exploration of the lived experience of adults experiencing pathological demand avoidance

Autor: Neil Kenny, Alison Doyle
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.35542/osf.io/jgq6b
Popis: This study explores the lived experiences of adults with Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) in Ireland. There is a lack of research exploring the lived experience of those living with PDA and its intersection with autism. Detailed semi-structured interviews informed by Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis were completed with two adults with a diagnosis of/self-identifying with PDA and autism, complemented by statements extracted from open-ended survey responses. An IPA-based deductive approach discovered four superordinate themes: 1) Bidirectional social dislocation, 2) Life experiences, 3) Trust and safety, and 4) Accepting our truth; and subordinate leitmotifs of Early differences, Fear is my default setting, Coping, self-worth and survival, and Flexibility in education settings. This paper reveals the interplay between PDA, autism, and mental health for these participants, which contribute to significantly challenging life outcomes. Participants advised greater awareness of PDA among service providers, greater autonomy and flexibility of support was also a key recommendation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE