Many-photon excitation of spherically symmetric molecules in an infrared laser field by weakly forbidden ΔR≠0, Δn≠0 vibrational–rotational transitions

Autor: I N Knyazev, V V Lobko
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics. 10:154-162
ISSN: 0049-1748
DOI: 10.1070/qe1980v010n02abeh009913
Popis: An analysis is made of a model of multistage excitation of triply degenerate vibrations of spherically symmetric molecules in a strong infrared laser field. This involves allowing for weakly forbidden ?R?0, ?n?0 transitions. It is shown that as a result of these transitions, a system of up to several dozen multistage resonances is established within the absorption band. These resonances cover a group of rotational levels with different values of J (up to 10?20 values) and ensure that a considerable proportion of the molecules is excited to high vibrational states (up to ? = 10?15).
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