Controlled Pd(0)/t-Bu3P-Catalyzed Suzuki Cross-Coupling Polymerization of AB-Type Monomers with ArPd(t-Bu3P)X or Pd2(dba)3/t-Bu3P/ArX as the Initiator

Autor: Chun-Hui Xing, Kunlun Hong, Hong-Hai Zhang, Qiao-Sheng Hu
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Macromolecules. 48:967-978
ISSN: 1520-5835
Popis: The synthesis of well-defined and functionalized conjugated polymers, which are essential in the development of efficient organic electronics, through Suzuki cross-coupling polymerizations has been a challenging task. We developed controlled Pd(0)/t-Bu3P-catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling polymerizations of AB-type monomers via the chain-growth mechanism with a series of in situ generated ArPd(t-Bu3P)X (X = I, Br, Cl) complexes as initiators. Among them, the combinations of Pd2(dba)3/t-Bu3P/p-BrC6H4I, Pd2(dba)3/t-Bu3P/p-BrC6H4CH2OH and Pd2(dba)3/t-Bu3P/p-PhCOC6H4Br were identified as highly robust initiator systems, resulting in polymers with predictable molecular weight and narrow polydispersity (PDI~1.13-1.20). In addition, Pd2(dba)3/t-Bu3P/p-BrC6H4CH2OH and Pd2(dba)3/t-Bu3P/p-PhCOC6H4Br initiator systems afforded functional polymers with >95% fidelity. Our results paved the road to access well-defined conjugated polymers, including conjugated polymers with complex polymer architectures such as block copolymers and branch copolymers.
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