Middle-Late Jurassic megaflora of Laguna Flecha Negra locality in Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, and floristic assemblages of the Bahía Laura Complex

Autor: Ana Julia Sagasti, Diego Martin Guido, Juan Leandro García Massini, Eduardo Manuel Morel, Ignacio H. Escapa
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 100:102564
ISSN: 0895-9811
Popis: A Middle-Late Jurassic fossil plant assemblage is described from the Bahia Laura Complex at the Laguna Flecha Negra locality, Santa Cruz Province. The fossil assemblage is autochthonous, preserved in volcaniclastic sediments in the fringes of a geothermal landscape. Taxonomic study of the palaeoflora revealed 17 taxa. The recognized species have been previously described in Jurassic localities of Gondwana and illustrate the diversity of plant communities that lived in a volcanic setting. The dominant elements of this flora are microphyllous conifers of the families Araucariaceae and Cheirolepidiaceae. Fossil leaves of Cycadeoidales co-dominate the community. There is a low diversity and abundance of ferns. Composition of the plant community is compared to coetaneous floras of the Bahia Laura Complex to analyse geographical variations in the diversity of Middle-Late Jurassic assemblages of Santa Cruz Province, and a relative uniformity is recognized. Forest landscapes were dominated by conifer trees, with cycadeoids as small trees or shrubs. The herbaceous understory was dominated by fern communities with low species diversity; Equisetales and Isoetales appeared as subordinated elements. Microphyllous conifers and cycadophytes, as well as a low diversity of ferns, are indicative of relatively dry weather.
Databáze: OpenAIRE