P268 Epicardial cyst in a three months old baby: a challenging decision

Autor: Paolo Ciliberti, Adriano Carotti, A M De Roberto, Aurelio Secinaro, Maurizio Galderisi, Paola Francalanci, Marcello Chinali, Gabriele Rinelli, A Del Pasqua, Claudia Esposito, Maria Iacomino
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging. 21
ISSN: 2047-2412
Popis: We report a case of a three months old baby, with no history of heart disease, referred to our center for cardiological screening. EKG was normal and a physiologic 1/6 systolic murmur was present. Conversely, echocardiography revealed a thin-walled, echo-free cystic intrapericardic structure adjacent to the posterior wall of the left ventricle; no signs of compression on cardiac structures were evident. CAT scan confirmed the presence of echo-free cystic over-diaphragmatic structure at the crux cordis level. The cyst was described as located between visceral pericardial layer and muscolar ventricular wall and appeared to cause compression on the midbasal wall of the left ventricle, of the interventricular septum and less extensively on the right ventricle. The dimension of the cyst was 2.7x2.5x1.8 cm. Worthy of note, posterior interventricular and posterolateral coronary arteries were very close to the cyst and partially pushed apart one from the other by the mass. Eight months after the diagnosis we detected an increase in mass size, confirmed also by cardiac MRI showing a mass of 4.5x3.4x3 cm with an extimated volume of 23 cm2. Because of significant increase of dimension of the cyst we decided for surgical excision of the mass. The cyst contained clear and translucent fluid and was successfully removed. Pleuropericardial window was created to prevent pericardial effusion. Histopathological report suggested the diagnosis of bronchogenic cyst because of the presence of smooth muscle. Bronchogenic cyst are closed epithelial-lined sacs developed from the respiratory system as the result of an abnormal budding process during the early development of the foregut. These congenital malformations are usually located in the mediastinum or in the lung parenchyma, but atypical locations such as neck, intramedullary part of the spine, diaphragm or intraabdominal region have been reported. Only a few cases occurring in the heart have been described, but their location in the left ventricle is extremely rare. Bronchogenic cyst are usually asymptomatic: symptoms are related to the interaction with the adjacent structures and therefore depend on the dimensions and the localization of the mass. Surgical approach is mandatory if a complication occurs. Conversely there is not a unique approach for asymptomatic mass as in our case. The young age of the baby and the absence of symptoms argued in favor of a "watchful waiting" strategy. Nevertheless, the particular localization of the cyst at the crux cordis level, its relatively rapid growth and above all the evidence of a close relationship with the coronary arteries, suggesting a concrete risk of compression with further enlargement, were determinant for the final decision for surgical excision. Abstract P268 Figure 1
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