Parent's Preferences for Mathematics Content in Picture Books

Autor: O'Rear, Connor, Ellis, Alexa, Woten, Cayla, Clark, Elizabeth, Donegan, Sophie, Eason, Sarah, Purpura, David
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: Number books provide one important context for promoting children’s early math learning. However, there are a wide variety of number books available on the market (e.g., Powell & Nurnberger-Hagg, 2015; Ward et al., 2017), making it difficult to determine what criteria should be used to pick the best number book. Previous work has suggested that, when selecting between different number books, parents focus on the math content of the book relatively less often than non-math content (O’Rear et al., 2019), making it unclear the extent to which parents see number books as important sources of early math learning. The current study will extend this line of work by investigating parents’ tendency to identify math content as important/relevant to their decision to choose or read number books. This study will also investigate whether parent math anxiety or parent math enjoyment are related to parent’s tendency to pick number books or their focus on the math content of number books when deciding which books they would want to read with their child.
Databáze: OpenAIRE