The south beach study: Bystanders' memories are more malleable

Autor: Shari L. Schwartz, Jenna M. Kieckhaefer, Daniel B. Wright, Marianna E. Carlucci, Daniella K. Villalba
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Applied Cognitive Psychology. 25:562-566
ISSN: 0888-4080
DOI: 10.1002/acp.1720
Popis: People's reports are affected by what others say. The current study compared memory conformity effects of people who interacted with a confederate, and of bystanders to that interaction. A second goal was to observe if memory conformity occurs in a naturalistic setting. A male confederate approached a group of people at the beach and had a brief interaction. About a minute later a research assistant approached the group and administered a target-absent lineup to each person in the group. Memory conformity was observed. Bystanders were twice as likely to conform as those who interacted with the confederate. Forensic investigators should take into consideration the role a person plays in an event when assessing eyewitness evidence. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Language: en
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