Immunohýstochemýcal staýnýng of cd3, cd79ácy and s-100 on bursa fabrýcýus, thymus and spleen of turkeys (Meleagrýs Gallapavo)

Autor: Ebru Karadað Sari, Tolunay Kozlu, Yeþim Akaydin Bozkurt, Nevin Kurtdede
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Animal Research.
ISSN: 0976-0555
Popis: Distribution of CD3, CD79ácy and S-100, immunohistochemically, in the bursa of Fabricius, thymus and spleen has not been reported in turkeys. Therefore, we determined the localisation of anti-CD3 protein antibodies for mature T-lymphocytes, anti-CD79ácy antibodies for B-lymphocytes and anti-S-100 protein antibodies for follicular dentritic cells in the bursa of Fabricius, thymus and spleen, which are the lymphoid organs, in a study sample of turkeys. Triple staining method was applied to demonstrate the general structure. Moreover, in all the organs positive reactions were observed with the CD3, CD79ácy and S-100 antibodies. It was also found that similar areas had a positive reaction with CD79ácy and S-100 in all of the tested organs. It was remarkable that CD79ácy reacted positively on Hassall’s corpuscles (strongly) and the reticular cells (weakly) in the medulla of the thymus instead of the B-lymphocyte positive areas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE