Compensating for Object Variability in DNN–HMM Object-Centered Human Activity Recognition

Autor: Peter Jancovic, Yikai Peng, Martin J. Russell
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.23919/eusipco.2019.8903124
Popis: This paper describes a deep neural network – hidden Markov model (DNN-HMM) human activity recognition system based on instrumented objects and studies compensation strategies to deal with object variability. The sensors, comprising an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer and force-sensitive resistors (FSRs), are packaged in a coaster attached to the base of an object, here a mug. Results are presented for recognition of actions involved in manipulating a mug. Evaluations are performed using over 24 hours of data recordings containing sequences of actions, labelled without time-stamp information. We demonstrate the importance of data alignments. While the DNN-HMM system achieved error rate below 0.1% for matched train-test conditions, this increased up to 26.5% for highly mismatched conditions. The error rate averaged over all conditions was 1.4% when using multi-condition training and decreased to 0.8% by employing feature augmentation. The use of FSR feature compensation, specific to weight variability, resulted in 0.24% error rate.
Databáze: OpenAIRE