Information transmission during intra- and interspecific courtship inEphestia elutella andCadra figulilella

Autor: P. L. Phelan, Thomas C. Baker
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Journal of Insect Behavior. 3:589-602
ISSN: 1572-8889
DOI: 10.1007/bf01052330
Popis: Using information theory, courtship posturing in the moths Ephestia elutella(Hubner) and Cadra figulilella(Gregson) was analyzed for information transmission, which was partitioned into autocovariability (intraindividual transmission) and cross-covariability (interindividual transmission). This two-factor analysis was sufficient to account for more than 60% of the behavioral variance in males of E. elutellaand in both sexes of C. figulilelladuring intraspecific courtships; however, there were large residual variances in the behavior of male and female C. figulilelladuring interspecific courtships and in E. elutellafemales during both inter- and intraspecific courtships. In E. elutella,significant levels of transmission were attributable to both inter- and intraindividual effects, whereas in C. figulilella,only autocovariability was high and no interindividual communication could be assigned to courtship postures. Although courtship in these two species was qualitatively very similar and males readily courted nonconspecific females, high levels of reproductive isolation resulted from courtship. Male C. figulilellahad 94% fewer copulations with E. elutellafemales than with conspecific females and E. elutellamales had 78% fewer copulations with C. figulilellafemales than with conspecifics. These reductions were due to a differential response in both females and males, causing inter-specific courtships to be terminated much earlier than intraspecific courtships. This discrimination indicates that interindividual communication was indeed occurring during courtship and was only partially measured by analysis of postures. Thus, communication took place largely in some other modality, most likely the chemical modality, where species specificity is suggested for both male and female pheromones.
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