Diaphanogryllacris insularis Zhang & Bian 2023, sp. nov

Autor: Zhang, Qianwen, Pang, Siyu, Rong, Pinying, Bian, Xun
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8044663
Popis: Diaphanogryllacris insularis Zhang & Bian sp. nov. ŁĀĔOiDzȃ Figures 1–3 Diagnosis. The new species differs from other species of Diaphanogryllacris by: body darker; male ninth abdominal tergite with a pair of long and slender spines, the processes of tenth abdominal tergite long with basal areas not expanded and apices slightly directing forward (Fig. 1G), posterior margin of subgenital plate not projected with shallow concavity (Fig. 1I); the middle area of female seventh abdominal sternite swollen with black transverse folds, lateral margins of subgenital plate obviously contracted in subapical area which differ from other species of the genus (Fig. 2E). Description. Male. Body large. Fastigium verticis about 2 times as broad as scape. Face with scattered impressed dots (Fig. 1A). Ocelli distinct. Fastigium frontis separated from fastigium verticis by a fine suture. Pronotum with anterior margin slightly arched, posterior margin nearly straight; lateral lobes longer than high, posterior angular of ventral margin widely arched (Fig. 1B–C). Fore coxae with 1 spine. Fore and middle femora unarmed on ventral surface, hind femora with 5–6 internal and 7–8 external spines on ventral surface. Fore and middle tibiae with 5 pairs of ventral spurs, including 1 pair of apical ones, middle tibiae with 1 internal spine on dorsal surface; hind tibiae with 5 internal and 6 external spines on dorsal surface, apices with 1 pair of dorsal spurs, 1 pair of subapical ventral spurs and 2 pairs of ventral spurs. Wings developed well, far surpassing apex of abdomen, reaching the middle area of hind tibiae. Tegmina (Fig. 3A–B): Radius with two branches after middle area of tegmen, both forked near tip; media anterior free from base. Cubitus anterior forks before basal third into two veins, the first branch makes a curvature and receives an oblique connection vein from MA, and fused as MP+CuA1, shortly after divides again into two parallel branches, MP and CuA1, while in right tegmen CuA1 further forked (Fig. 3B); the posterior branch (CuA2) does not divide further. Cubitus posterior undivided, free throughout; with 4 anal veins, last two with common stem. Second and third abdominal tergite with 2 rows of stridulatory pegs (Fig. 1D). Eighth abdominal tergite slightly prolonged. Ninth abdominal tergite little globular, centre of posterior margin concave, vertically below the concavity with narrow membranous zone (Fig. 1H), at lateral margins of concavity with a pair of long spines, which arched, bent ventrad, with acute tips. Tenth abdominal tergite with 1 pair of upcurved spines which situated the concavity of the posterior margin of the ninth abdominal tergite, basal areas of spines stout and contacted, terminating to apices, the apical areas obviously separated from each other, subapical areas curved little towards forward (Fig. 1G). Subgenital plate wider than long, the lateral margins convex, posterior margin not projected as other species of the genus with shallow concavity (Fig. 1I); styli inserted laterally on posterior margin. Female. Ventral surface of seventh abdominal sternite with 1 rectangular, black swelling in middle which surface with transverse folds (Fig. 2E). Basal areas of subgenital plate wider, the lateral margins convex, terminating to apical area, subapical areas of the lateral margins obviously contracted (Fig. 2E), apical area rectangularly projected; ventral surface with transverse riffles. Ovipositor elongate straight, faintly upcurved, dorsal and ventral margins smooth, basal area stout, gradually narrowing, apices subobtuse (Fig. 2H). Coloration. Body light brown. Internal margins of antennal cavities black, antennae black. Face yellowish brown with black longitudinal stripes below eyes on genae (Fig. 1A) and behind eye on dorsal surface of head (Fig. 1B) separately. Margins of pronotum black with large black figure on disc (Fig. 1B). Genicular areas of femora and tibiae of all legs black. Male ninth abdominal tergite, spines of tenth abdominal and subgenital plate black (Fig. 1E–I). Female seventh abdominal sternite with black swelling, the lateral margin of subgenital plate with black bands (Fig. 2E). Abdominal sternites reddish violet. Ovipositor black brown. Measurements (mm). Male (holotype): BL 32.1, PL 5.7, TL 33.9, HFL 116.0. Female (paratypes): BL 27.3– 29.3, PL 6.3–6.7, TL 28.9–31.4, HFL 15.0–16.7, OvL 16.9–21.3. Material examined. Holotype: male, Xima, Yingjiang, Yunnan, April 27, 2023, coll. by Weizong Yang. Paratypes: 1 female, the other information as holotype; 1 male and 1 female, Xima, Yingjiang, Yunnan, May 1, 2023, coll. by Weizong Yang. Other specimen: 1 male, other information as holotype. Distribution. Yunnan (Yingjiang). Etymology. Name derived from Latin insul, referring to female subgenital plate with 1 black swelling in middle of seventh abdominal sternite (Fig. 2E).
Published as part of Zhang, Qianwen, Pang, Siyu, Rong, Pinying & Bian, Xun, 2023, Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera) XIV: One new species of Diaphanogryllacris from Yunnan Province, pp. 575-580 in Zootaxa 5301 (5) on pages 577-579, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5301.5.4, http://zenodo.org/record/8036247
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