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A etapa de cubagem de volumes e de suma importância para a mineracao, corroborando com a avaliacao economica da jazida e o planejamento da mina. Dentre os metodos de cubagem de volumes, surge como alternativa a aerofotogrametria com Veiculo Aereo Nao Tripulado (VANT). Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o uso de VANT na geracao de produtos cartograficos acurados e a cubagem de volumes de mineracao. Para tanto, primeiramente realizou-se um levantamento topografico com apoio geodesico e estes resultados foram comparados com um levantamento com VANT corrigido, com pontos de controle e sem pontos de controle. Os resultados foram enquadrados no Padrao de Exatidao Cartografica dos Produtos Digitais (PEC-PCD) e verificados a sua acuracia. Com base nos levantamentos aereos e topograficos foram elaborados Modelos Digitais de Elevacao (MDE) para a cubagem dos volumes, onde o ortomosaico gerado com pontos de controle, apresentou resultados acurados com volumes proximos ao do levantamento topografico convencional. Ja o ortomosaico sem pontos de controle apresentou diferencas significativas com relacao as altitudes no terreno e o volume cubado. Portanto, as cubagens de volume com VANT podem ser realizadas objetivando resultados acurados desde que o mosaico seja corrigido com pontos de controle em campo. A B S T R A C T The volume-tapping stage is of paramount importance for mining, corroborating with the mine's economic valuation and mine planning. Among the various volume-cubing methods, aerial photogrammetry based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an affordable alternative and has been gaining space in the market. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the use of UAV in the generation of accurate cartographic products and the mining of volumes. To do so, a topographic survey with geodetic support was first performed and these results were compared with a survey with UAV corrected with control points and without control points. The results were included in the Cartographic Accuracy Standard of the Digital Products (PEC-PCD) and verified their accuracy. From the aerial and topographic surveys, Digital Elevation Models (DEM) were developed for the cubing of the volumes, where the orthomosaic generated from the UAV and corrected with control points, presented accurate results with volumes close to the conventional topographic survey . The orthomosaic without control points presented significant differences in relation to the altitudes in the terrain and the cubed volume. Therefore, this research concluded that UAV volume counts can be performed aiming at accurate results as long as the mosaic is corrected with field control points. Keywords: VANT; Volume; MDE |