I-Self and Me-Self Processes Affecting Developmental Psychopathology and Mental Health

Autor: Susan Harter
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Developmental Psychopathology
DOI: 10.1002/9781119125556.devpsy111
Popis: This chapter focuses on selected developmental psychopathologies during three stages of childhood and three stages of adolescence that involve the self. A new framework casts the Jamesian processes of the I-self and the me-self on center stage, as key actors in a conspiracy that is implicated in five forms of developmental psychopathology: (1) narcissism; (2) low self-esteem; (3) depression and suicidal behaviors; (4) eating disorders; and (5) school violent revenge committed by humiliated victims of chronic harassment and bullying. Each of these five forms will be traced through the six developmental levels. However, the positive features and functions of the Jamesian I-self will also be emphasized in the service of mental health, which should be our ultimate goal. Clinical and research implications will be explored. The I-self will be given a more gratifying job description other than defending and packaging a fragile me-self so as to be acceptable to society. Alliances between the I-self and the goals of the positive psychology movement will be highlighted. Keywords: I-self; me-self; self-esteem; self-enhancement; narcissism; depression; eating disorders; school violence
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