An Investigation of Efficacy and Hope as Predictors of Academic Motivation

Autor: Hira Arooj, Tazvin Ijaz
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Pakistan Journal of Education. 36
ISSN: 2413-8517
DOI: 10.30971/pje.v36i1.1159
Popis: The present study aimed at exploring the predictors of academicmotivation of adolescents by analyzing the academic efficacy andacademic hope. The sample was consisted of 1581 students from ninetowns of Lahore. Sampling was done through area probability samplingstrategy. The data was collected by using translated and adaptedAcademic Efficacy Scale (Arooj & Ijaz, 2017), Academic Hope Scale(Arooj & Ijaz, 2017), and Academic Motivation Scale (Arooj & Ijaz,2017). Pearson Product Moment Correlation analysis showed theexistence of positive relationship between academic efficacy, academichope and intrinsic and extrinsic academic motivation. StepwiseRegression Analysis displayed two models. In these models, academicefficacy and academic hope predicted intrinsic academic motivation andcontributed variance of 24% and 13%, respectively. Furthermore, theStepwise Regression Analysis for extrinsic academic motivation showedtwo models in which academic efficacy and academic hope contributedvariance of 22% and 12% respectively.
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