Tasarrmla Aldatmak: Megaproje Kabullerinin Arddndaki Siyaset (Design by Deception: The Politics of Megaproject Approval)

Autor: Bent Flyvbjerg, Gülçin Tunç (translator)
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: SSRN Electronic Journal.
ISSN: 1556-5068
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2625198
Popis: Turkish Abstract: Birkac yil once, buyuk insaat projelerindeki maliyet asimlarini konu eden bir arastirmaya baslamak uzereyken ust duzey bir burokrat tarafindan tehdit edildim. Bu burokrat, eger hukumete ait projeler hakkinda olumsuz sonuclar ortaya koyarsam arastirma fonlarimin kesilmesi icin elinden gelen herseyi yapacagini acikca dile getirdi. Ben de, yanit olarak, onun bu sozlerinin soz konusu arastirmanin mutlaka yapilmasi gerektigini gosterdigini ve muhtemelen arastirmanin ilginc sonuclar ortaya koyacagini soyledim. Arastirma sonuclari su anda basim asamasinda ve bahsettigim burokrat soyledigini gerceklestirirse bir daha bu hukumetten arastirma destegi alma sansim kalmamis demektir. Translated by Gulcin Tunc.English Abstract: Some years ago, I was threatened by a high-ranking government official as I was beginning research on cost overrun in large public works projects. The official told me in no uncertain terms that if I came up with results that reflected badly on his government and its projects he would personally make sure my research funds dried up. I replied he had just demonstrated the research must be done and was likely to produce interesting results. The results are now being published and if the official walks his talk, I will never receive another research grant.
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